Stéphanie GIVENCHY

Non! , la mode n’est pas toujours un éternel recommencement. Elle peut aussi être une source de création partie d’un constat voire d’une simple devise qui se mue en un ADN puissant : éco-responsable et bio dans un drapé chic et moderne.

L’idée de cette créatrice de développer avec des matières bios, ou éco-responsables, une gamme ultra limité en exemplaire, s’appuie sur un chemin de vie au quotidien.

Comment faire d’une obligation une force motrice? Sous l’impulsion obligatoire d’être Vegan pour son fils, elle a donc noué un rapport privilégie avec ce postulat et d’apprentissage en apprentissage, elle lance sa gamme au Portugal ou elle réside.

Chic, moderne, stylé et à la fois décontracté, ses créations sont aussi adaptés à la ville qu’au mode de vie chill d’un lodge au bord de mer.

TCHACC adore cette créatrice et espère chez vous un écho pour cette éco-fashion-designer.

Nope! , fashion is not always about starting over again. It can also be a source of creation starting from an observation or even a simple motto that turns into a powerful DNA: eco-responsible and organic in a chic and modern drape.

The idea of ​​this designer to develop with organic or eco-responsible materials, an ultra-limited range of copies, is based on a daily life path.

How to turn an obligation into a driving force? Under the obligatory impulse to be Vegan for her son, she has therefore established a privileged relationship with this postulate and from learning to learning, she is launching her range in Portugal where she lives.

Chic, modern, stylish and at the same time relaxed, his creations are as suitable for the city as for the chill lifestyle of a lodge by the sea.

TCHACC adores this designer and hopes you will find an echo for this eco-fashion-designer.

Nope! , fashion is not always about starting over again. It can also be a source of creation starting from an observation or even a simple motto that turns into a powerful DNA: eco-responsible and organic in a chic and modern drape.

The idea of ​​this designer to develop with organic or eco-responsible materials, an ultra-limited range of copies, is based on a daily life path.

How to turn an obligation into a driving force? Under the obligatory impulse to be Vegan for her son, she has therefore established a privileged relationship with this postulate and from learning to learning, she is launching her range in Portugal where she lives.

Chic, modern, stylish and at the same time relaxed, his creations are as suitable for the city as for the chill lifestyle of a lodge by the sea.

TCHACC adores this designer and hopes you will find an echo for this eco-fashion-designer. — à Portugal

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