Deux ans que TCHACC la suit et lui souhaite que le meilleur dans sa vie de sportive et de femme.
TCHACC a décide de remettre en lumière un parcours de vie dont la détermination sans faille est la ligne une pure conduite aussi rectiligne et puissante que sa droite.
Fatia BENMESSAHEL boxeuse de talent; coeur en or et esprit lumineux tout autant que son sourire.
Avoir mal, ne rien montrer, avancer, esquiver, revenir, ne pas lâcher, c’est la leçon de vie qui fait la force des coups de cette jeune demoiselle.
Fatia a 19 ans, elle vit à Rosny-sous-Bois dans le 93. Elle a 10 ans lorsque son père meurt soudainement lors d’un séjour dans son pays d’origine, l’Algérie. Fatia n’évoque jamais son père ni la blessure causée par sa disparition. Elle est championne de France et d’Europe de Boxe Anglaise U22.
« Paris 2024, j’y pense tous les jours. A chaque entraînement, chaque tournoi, chaque gala… Je veux mettre toutes les chances de mon côté. » Les Jeux de 2024, c’est ce qui fait se lever Fatia. A 20 ans, la boxeuse du Noble Art de Rosny a un peu fait son deuil de Tokyo 2020 – trop jeune – mais elle fera tout pour être de la prochaine édition, à la maison.
Toutefois, Fatia, malgré des résultats portant à lui destiner une médaille dorée pour les JO qui approchent, a besoin de nous tous.
La soutenir en lui donnant plus de visiblité, c’est une possible collaboration pour elle avec des sponsors lui laissant ainsi tout le temps nécéssaire pour que le rêve mérité devienne une réalité.
Le temps est précieux pour que la préparation soit optimale et puisse être couronnée de succès, aussi toi, décideur, patron, investisseur qui lit cet article et qui veut associer ta marque à une championne et lui permettre de dégager du temps sans contrainte de savoir comment boucler son budget, contacte la et vie l’or avec elle.
Fatia, nous sommes avec toi et tes rêves, et te souhaitent que le meilleur et bien sur de « boxer » cette belle médaille à la maison. — avec Fatia Benmessahel.

“La boxe est réputée être le plus dur de tous les sports, alors qu’en fait c’est juste un coup à prendre.”
– Inconnu

Two years that TCHACC follows her and wishes her only the best in her life as an athlete and as a woman.
TCHACC has decided to highlight a life journey whose unfailing determination is the line of pure conduct as rectilinear and powerful as its right.
Fatia BENMESSAHEL talented boxer; golden heart and luminous mind as well as her smile.
To be in pain, to show nothing, to move forward, to dodge, to come back, not to give up, this is the life lesson that gives strength to this young lady’s blows.
Fatia is 19 years old, she lives in Rosny-sous-Bois in 93. She was 10 years old when her father died suddenly during a stay in his country of origin, Algeria. Fatia never mentions her father or the hurt caused by his disappearance. She is champion of France and Europe of English Boxing U22.
“Paris 2024, I think about it every day. At each training session, each tournament, each gala… I want to put the odds on my side. “The 2024 Games is what makes Fatia stand up. At 20, the boxer from Noble Art de Rosny has somewhat mourned Tokyo 2020 – too young – but she will do everything to be in the next edition, at home.
However, Fatia, despite the results leading to her being awarded a golden medal for the upcoming Olympics, needs all of us.
Supporting her by giving her more visibility is a possible collaboration for her with sponsors, thus giving her all the time necessary for the deserved dream to become a reality.
Time is precious so that the preparation is optimal and can be crowned with success, also you, decision-maker, boss, investor who reads this article and who wants to associate your brand with a champion and allow her to free up time without the constraint of knowing how balance her budget, contact her and live the gold with her.
Fatia, we are with you and your dreams, and wish you the best and of course to « box » this beautiful medal at home. — with Fatia Benmessahel.
“Boxing is said to be the hardest of all sports, when in fact it’s just a knockout.”

Two years that TCHACC follows her and wishes her only the best in her life as an athlete and as a woman.
TCHACC has decided to highlight a life journey whose unfailing determination is the line of pure conduct as rectilinear and powerful as its right.
Fatia BENMESSAHEL talented boxer; golden heart and luminous mind as well as her smile.
To be in pain, to show nothing, to move forward, to dodge, to come back, not to give up, this is the life lesson that gives strength to this young lady’s blows.
Fatia is 19 years old, she lives in Rosny-sous-Bois in 93. She was 10 years old when her father died suddenly during a stay in his country of origin, Algeria. Fatia never mentions her father or the hurt caused by his disappearance. She is champion of France and Europe of English Boxing U22.
“Paris 2024, I think about it every day. At each training session, each tournament, each gala… I want to put the odds on my side. “The 2024 Games is what makes Fatia stand up. At 20, the boxer from Noble Art de Rosny has somewhat mourned Tokyo 2020 – too young – but she will do everything to be in the next edition, at home.
However, Fatia, despite the results leading to her being awarded a golden medal for the upcoming Olympics, needs all of us.
Supporting her by giving her more visibility is a possible collaboration for her with sponsors, thus giving her all the time necessary for the deserved dream to become a reality.
Time is precious so that the preparation is optimal and can be crowned with success, also you, decision-maker, boss, investor who reads this article and who wants to associate your brand with a champion and allow her to free up time without the constraint of knowing how balance her budget, contact her and live the gold with her.
Fatia, we are with you and your dreams, and wish you the best and of course to « box » this beautiful medal at home. — with Fatia Benmessahel.

« Se dice que el boxeo es el más difícil de todos los deportes, cuando en realidad es sólo un nocaut ».